This anthology, entitled Kunga za Ushairi na Diwani Yetu is both a discussion of the nature and purpose of Swahili poetry (pp. 1-62) and an anthology of the authors’ poems (pp. 65-119) written in the early 70s when they were young students in secondary school or college. The poems cover many topics of contemporary interest from personal observations about daily life to critical comments on ujamaa, the government policy to develop an indigenous form of socialism in Tanzania. In all there are 44 poems almost equally divided between the two authors.
Both authors worked with TJH in Dar es Salaam in 1998 and helped with the meaning of difficult vocabulary. Also, both gave permission for the republishing of their poetry in this project. The translations are by TJH.
The poems translated for this project so far are:
Mgogoto wa Leo Today’s Call to Action (p. 65) by M.M. Mulokozi
Mkulima The Farmer (p. 66-67) by M.M. Mulokozi
Msiba Uliotuangukia The Disaster that Has Befallen Us (pp. 71-76) by K.K. Kahigi
Niliamka Jogoo Lilipowika I Awoke when the Cock Crowed (p. 67-68) by K.K. Kahigi
Sauti Kutoka Nje A Cry from Outside (p. 66) by K.K. Kahigi
Wakati Jua Lingali Lawaka While the Sun Still Shines (p. 70) by K.K. Kahigi