
Ndege Birds
  1. Enyi ndege murukao ♦ salamu nitoleyani
Oh you flying birds (lit. you who fly), take my greetings for me
Mwendao mbiyo upeo ♦ mukipaliya yangani You who go so quickly as far as one can see, soaring high into the sky
Mutakapofika kwao ♦ mtuliye ziweoni. When you reach her, alight on her lap.
  1. Mwambiye sina pumbao ♦ mpenzi nina huzuni
Tell my lover I have no comfort, I am (full of) sadness
Nina mwingi mshangao ♦ sili chakula sisoni I am totally bewildered, I neither eat nor sleep
Huona yeo ni yeo ♦ t‘akuona sikuoni. I feel today is the day, (that) I will see you (but) I do not see you.
  1. Sina mbawa nikaruka[1] ♦ k’awafuwata[2] zijuni
I have no wings so I might fly, and follow the little birds
K’aya kwako muhibaka ♦ nikaketi mapajani So I might come to you (my) Love, To sit on your lap
K’atowa moyo wahaka ♦ na maudhiko ya ndani. And relieve (lit. take away ) (my) distressed heart, and deep-seated pain.
  1. Lakini sina uweza ♦ nduyangu nifanye nini?
But I have no ability (to fly), my Sister, what must I do?
Huketi nikikuwaza ♦ na matozi kifuwani I sit here thinking of you, with tears on my breast
Nyonda zangu waniliza ♦ kunepukiya matoni My Desire, you make me cry, as you avoid (looking) into my eyes.
  1. Bui wangu hata lini ♦ wewe utakaporudi?
My Sweat Heart, when will you return to me?
Hela nipa tamkini ♦ nituze yangu fuwadi Please give me an answer, so I may calm my heart
Nikungoje mlangoni ♦ bila ya kubisha hodi Let me wait for you at the door, without knocking.
  1. Siniwate na kiliyo ♦ na mwendo nikateseka
Don’t abandon me crying, and suffering as I go along
Nikazidi wayowayo ♦ na ruhu kiungulika So that I become even more worried, and suffer even more with a love-sick heart (with a heart on fire)
Nikumbukiya mwenziyo ♦ kwa huruma sikitika. Keep this for me in your thoughts, have pity on your companion with sympathy.
  1. Sina wa kunipumbaza ♦ ila ni wewe Fulani
I have no one to entertain me, except you my unnamed love
Na maradhi kunipoza ♦ yanivemeo moyoni Or cure me of my illness, which has weighed heavily in my heart
Ndiye wa kuniliwaza ♦ nione niko peponi. She is the one to soothe me so I might feel I’m in paradise.

[1] The –ka—marked verbs in this line and following indicate purpose clauses.

[2] The aspiration of the initial consonant is a consequent of the deleted 1st person singular subject pronoun.


The ile Perfect. This structure often replaces the -me- tense/aspect. There is one example in this poem:

Na marathi kunipoza;  yanivemeo moyoni; Or cure me of my illness which has weighed heavily in my heart  (ASN-Nd7)

The verb -veme from -vama ‘oppress’ etc. derives from the verb root -vam- + the Perfect suffix -ile.  When -ile or its allomorphs (-iye ~ -e) are suffixed to a verb root with a nasal, the vowel of the root shifts to /e/ as in this example.  For other examples and discussion see under “The -ile Perfect” in the Grammar of Swahili Poetry (under development).

Vowel Elision. Vowel elisions are common in Swahili verse; as such they are motivated by metrical requirements to keep verses to a set number of syllables.  A example in this poem:

kunepukiya matoni;  kunepukiya matoni  < ku-ni-epukia matoni (lit. to avoid me in the eyes) (ASN-Nd4). NB: NI + E > /ne/.


ata [v. tr.] Leave; abandon; release, etc. (TJH). See St. –acha (FJ). Siniwate na kiliyo, na mwendo nikateseka, Don’t abandon me crying and suffering as I go along (ASN-Nd6).
bui/ma- [n. 5/6 an.] Lover, girlfriend, sweetheart metaphorical (ASN). See buibui a woman’s black garment (FJ). Bui wangu hata lini, wewe utakaporudi? My sweat heart, when will you return to me? (ASN-Nd5).
fuwadi [n. 9/10] Heart. See St. fuadi (FJ). Hela nipa tamkini, nituze yangu fuwadi, Please give me an answer, so I may calm my heart (ASN-Nd5). Ar.
fuwata [v. t.] Follow (TJH). See St. –fuata follow, etc. Sina mbawa nikaruka, k’awafuwata zijuni, I have no wings so that I might fly, and follow the little birds (ASN-Nd3).
hela [inter.] Interjection used to politely attract attention or change a topic (TJH). Similar to hebu, ebu, simile; Well then! Come then! Make way! (FJ). Hela nipa tamkini, nituze yangu fuwadi, Please give me an answer, so I may calm my heart (ASN-Nd5). Ar.
huruma [n. 9] Sympathy, consideration, fellow feeling, kindliness; (2) mercy, pity, compassion (FJ). Nikumbukiya mwenziyo, kwa huruma sikitika, Keep this for me in your thoughts, have pity on your Companion with sympathy (ASN-Nd-7). Ar.
jito/mato [n. 5/6] Eye. See St. jicho/macho (FJ). Nyonda zangu waniliza, kunepukiya matoni, My desire, you make me cry, avoiding (to look) into my eyes (ASN-Nd4).
kifuwa/zi- [n. 7/8] Breast, bosom, chest, usu. of man only; see kifua (FJ). Huketi nikikuwaza, na matozi kifuwani, I sit here thinking of you with tears on my breast (ASN-Nd4).
kijuni/zi- [n. 7/8] Small birds; diminutive of nyuni bird < ki-j-uni; see kijiko spoon, kijiji village, etc. (TJH). Sina mbawa nikaruka, k’awafuwata zijuni, I have no wings so that I might fly, and follow the little birds (ASN-Nd3).
kiweo/zi- [n. 7/8] Lap, thigh (TJH). Thigh, ham, hip; used in the butchery trade for the region betweens the kinena and paja (FJ). Mutakapofika kwao, mtuliye ziweoni, When you reach her, alight on her lap (ASN-Nd1).
liwaza [v. tr.] Soothe, comfort (FJ). Ndiye wa kuniliwaza, nione niko peponi, She is the one to soothe me so I might feel I’m in paradise (ASN-Nd7).
mshangao [n. 3] Thrilling excitement, deep sensation, admiration, wonder, perplexity, amazement, bewilderment, stupefaction (FJ). See St. –shangaa (FJ). Nina mwingi mshangao, sili chakula sisoni, I am totally bewildered, I neither eat nor sleep (ASN-Nd2).
muhibaka [n. 9/10 an.] Lover (TJH). Muhibu, mpenzi (ASN). Not in FJ, Sx. K’aya kwako muhibaka, nikaketi mapajani, So I might come to you (my) love, And sit on your lap (ASN-Nd3). Ar.
ndu- [n. 9/10 an.] Contracted form of nduu brother, sister, relative, etc. used in conjunction with possessive pronouns (TJH). See St. ndugu (FJ). Lakini sina uweza, nduyangu nifanye nini? But I am unable (to fly), my sister, what must I do? (ASN-Nd4).
nyonda [n. 9/10] Desire, wish, longing (TJH). Désir bon ou mauvais. -ngia nyonda ya kupenda mtu, ya kutaka kitu, éprouver le désir d’aimer qqn., de souhaiter une chose (Am. G.; Sx). ASN: < –onja. ASN: nyonda zangu = mpenzi wangu thus the 2nd person singular waniliza ‘you make me cry’ in the citation. Nyonda zangu waniliza, kunepukiya matoni, My desire, you make me cry, avoiding (to look) into my eyes (ASN-Nd4).
paliya [v. appl.] Soar, fly high, ascend to great heights (TJH). See paa go up, ascend, mount, rise; –palia (FJ). Mwendao mbiyo upeo, mukipaliya yangani, You who go so quickly as far as one can see, soaring high into the sky (ASN-Nd1).
pumbao/ma- [n. 5/6] Comfort, pleasure, joy, happiness (TJH). See St. -pumbaa be speechless, because of astonishment, fear, etc.; 2. be foolish, silly, weak-minded, negligent…. (FJ). Distraction, récréation, divertissement, causerie ou entretien familier (Am. G., Sx). See -pumbaa être à l’aise, content, au point d’oublier toute occupation voire même son devoir; s’attarder à jouir, à se divertir, à s’amuser; avoir une attitude béate; être distrait, ne pas fair attention, n’y être pas (TJH: to be comfortable, happy, to the point of forgetting all work including one’s duty (voire même “nay even, and indeed”); lingering to enjoy, to be entertained, to be amused; having an complacent attitude; being inattentive, not paying attention, not being there (being out of it). Twende kunako arusi (kunako mtezo, kunako wimbo), tupumbae, allons nous récréer la noce, etc. (Am. G.; Sx). Mwambiye sina pumbao, mpenzi nina huzuni, Tell my lover I have no comfort, I am (full of) sadness (ASN-Nd2).
pumbaza [v. cs.] Delight, entertain, amuse (TJH). Divertir, distraire,
 récréer, amuser; empêcher de vaquer à ses occupations (Am. G.; Sx). See pumbao above and meaning in Am. Sina wa kunipumbaza, ila ni wewe Fulani, I have no one to entertain me, except you my unnamed love (ASN-Nd7).
ruhu [n. 9/10] Spirit, heart, soul (TJH). See St. roho (FJ). Nikazidi wayowayo, na ruhu kiungulika; So that I become even more worried, and suffer even more with a love-sick heart (with a heart on fire) (ASN-Nd6). Ar.
sikitika [v. i.] Be sorry, grieve, feel regret (pity, remorse) (FJ). Nikumbukiya mwenziyo, kwa huruma sikitika, Keep this for me in your thoughts, have pity on your Companion with sympathy (ASN-Nd-7).
sona [v. i.] Rest, sleep (TJH). Se reposer, prendre du repos : syn.-pumua. Niate nisone, laisse-moi reposer (arch. des Dial. Am. G. Ng.; Sx). Pumzika rest (ASN). Nina mwingi mshangao, sili chakula sisoni, I am totally bewildered, I neither eat nor sleep (ASN-Nd2).
tamkini [n. 9/10] Pronouncement, announcement, statement, affirmation, answer (TJH). Derived from –tamka (ASN). Hela nipa tamkini, nituze yangu fuwadi, Please give me an answer, so I may calm my heart (ASN-Nd5).
toleya salamu [v. appl.] Greet for, salute for, send greetings for (TJH). See St. –tolea and –toa in FJ. Enyi ndege murukao, salamu nitoleyani, Oh you flying birds (lit. you who fly), take my greetings for me (ASN-Nd1).
tozi/ma- [n. 5/6] Tear (TJH). See St. chozi (FJ). Huketi nikikuwaza, na matozi kifuwani, I sit here thinking of you with tears on my breast (ASN-Nd4).
tuliya [v. appl.] Alight, land on, settle down on (TJH). See –tulia be calm, settle down, etc. (FJ). Mutakapofika kwao, mtuliye ziweoni, When you reach her, alight on her lap (ASN-Nd1).
tuza [v. cs.] Calm, soothe, comfort, give comfort to (TJH). See –tuza = -tuliza dans le sens de calmer une personne soit affligée, soit irritée (Mv; Sx). Hela nipa tamkini, nituze yangu fuwadi, Please give me an answer, so I may calm my heart (ASN-Nd5).
udhiko/ma- [n. 14/6] Trouble, annoyance, vexation (FJ). K’atowa moyo wahaka, na maudhiko ya ndani, And relieve (lit. take away ) (my) distressed heart, and deep-seated pain (ASN-Nd3).
ungulika [v. i.] Burn, chafe, glow; suffer, languish away from love-pain (K&K). Be hardened by fire, (2) be combustible (FJ). Nikazidi wayowayo, na ruhu kiungulika; So that I become even more worried, and suffer even more with a love-sick heart (with a heart on fire) (ASN-Nd6).
upeo [n. 11; adv.] Horizon, limit, range of vision, etc.; as far as can be seen, as far as one can see (TJH). See upeo horizon, limit of vision, etc.; to the utmost, thoroughly, as much as possible (FJ). Mwendao mbiyo upeo, mukipaliya yangani; You who go so quickly as far as one can see, soaring high into the sky (ASN-Nd1).
uweza [n. 14] Strength, might, power, capacity, authority, ability, faculty (FJ). Lakini sina uweza, nduyangu nifanye nini? But I am unable (to fly), my sister, what must I do? (ASN-Nd4).
vama [v. tr.] Oppress, depress, weigh heavily on (TJH). Lie heavy on, cut into, as of a rope which is tied tightly (FJ). Na maradhi kunipoza, yanivemeo moyoni, Or cure me of my illness, which weighs heavily in my heart (ASN-Nd7).
wahaka [n. 9] Distress (TJH). Worry, doubt (K&K). Dhiki (ASN). See dhiki narrowness, want of space, confinement; 2. being pressed, annoyance, distress (FJ). K’atowa moyo wahaka, na maudhiko ya ndani, And relieve (lit. take away ) (my) distressed heart, and deep-seated pain (ASN-Nd3). Ar.
wayowayo [n. 14] Wavering, irresolution, indeciveness, worry, unease (TJH). Reeling, staggering; hesitating (FJ). Nikazidi wayowayo, na ruhu kiungulika; So that I become even more worried, and suffer even more with a love-sick heart (with a heart on fire) (ASN-Nd6).
ya [v. i.] Come (TJH). See St. –ja (FJ). K’aya kwako muhibaka, nikaketi mapajani, So I might come to you (my) love, And sit on your lap (ASN-Nd3).
yeo [adv.] Today (TJH). See St. leo (FJ). Huona yeo ni yeo, t‘akuona sikuoni, I feel today is the day, (that) I will see you (but) I do not see you. (ASN-Nd2).


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