Editor’s Note: It will be appreciated if users of this bibliography will notify me of mistakes or important omissions. You can do this by posting a comment. New works, studies, and poetical compositions especially in East Africa appear frequently and it is a full time job keeping abreast of everything. Asanteni! Mwl. Tom Hinnebusch
Geider, Thomas, compiler, 2003. A bibliography of Swahili Literature, Linguistics, Culture and History. Swahili Forum 10. 100 pp.
NB: This is a very comprehensive bibliography and is available digitally as a pdf file at: http://www.qucosa.de/fileadmin/data/qucosa/documents/9149/SWAHILI_FORUM_10_2003.pdf
Parker, Carolyn A. & Linda L. Giles. 1980. Tenzi: A Preliminary Bibliography of Swahili Epic Poetry for Research and Teaching. Paper presented at the African Literature Association Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville 1980. Xxxx published in book form?
van Spaandonck, M. 1965. Practical and Systematical Swahili Bibliography. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Selected Bibliography
Abdalla, Abdilatif. 1973. Sauti ya Dhiki. Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
_____. 1973. Dibaji. In Muhammad Kijumwa, Utenzi wa Fumo Liyongo. Pp. v-vi. Edited by Abdilatif Abdalla. Dar es Salaam: Chuo cha Uchunguzi wa Lugha ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam.
_____, ed. 1977. Mashairi ya Miaka Kumi ya Azimio la Arusha. Dar es Salaam: UKUTA.
_____, ed. 1980. ‘Sikate Tamaa, Tungo za Said, A. Mohamed. Nairobi: Longman Kenya.
_____. 1982. Utenzi wa Maisha ya Adamu na Hawaa. Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
_____. 1983. Mnazi, the Struggle for the Coconut Tree, Index on Censorship 12.4:32-33.
Abdallah bin Hemed bin Ali ‘lAjjemy. 1962. Habari za Wakilindi. Edited by J. W. T. Allen and William Kimweri bin Mbago bin Kibwana bin Maiwe wa Kwekalo (Mlungui) bin Kimweri Zanyumbai. Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau.
Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. 1968. A Note on the Form and Language of the Poem. In Hasani bin Ismail, The Medicine Man – Swifa ya Nguvumali pp. 81-83. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
_____. 1969. Ukumbusho wa marehemu Sheikh Mathias E. Mnyampala, Swahili 39.1/2: 2-4.
_____. 1979. Muyaka, 19th century Swahili popular poetry. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
_____. 1996. The Influence of the Qasida on the Development of Swahili Rhymed and Metred Verse, pp. 411-428. In Stefan Sperl & C. Schackle, eds. Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa. Leiden: E. J. Brill).
Abedi, K. Amri. 1954. Sheria za Kutunga Mashairi na Diwani ya Amri. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau. (Reprint 1979).
Abel, Martin. 1938. Die arabische Vorlage des Suaheli-Epos Chuo cha Herkal. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
Aboubakar, Aziza. 1982. L’histoire d’Angazija (Habara na Angazija). Présentation et traduction des textes arabes, swahili en français, Études Océan Indien 1:5-10.
Aboubakar, Aziza Mohamed. 1988. Des Comores au Zaïre. Récits et poèmes swahili. (Fleuve et Flamme, série bilingue). Textes recueillis et présentés par Aziza Mohamed Aboubakar. Introduction de Pierre Alexandre. Paris: Edicef: Conseil international de la langue française.
Ahmed-Chamanga, Mohamed & Jacques-Noël Gueunier. 1979. Appendice: La chronique swahilie de Said Bakari (1898). In M. Ahmed-Chamanga & J.-N. Gueunier, Le dictionnaire comorien– français et français–comorien du R. P. Sacleux. (Langues, Cultures et Sociétés de l’Océan Indien, Vol. 9). Paris: SELAF.
_____. 1979. Le dictionnaire comorien–français et français–comorien du R. P. Sacleux. (Langues, Cultures et Sociétés de l’Océan Indien, Vol. 9). Paris: SELAF.
Aiello Traoré, Flavia. 2001. Taarab and Swahili Prose, pp. 123-128. Swahili Forum VIII(=Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 68). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Köln.
Aiello Traoré, Flavia. 2002. Investigating Topics and Style in ‘Vuta N’kuvute’ by Shafi Adam Shafi, pp. 35-41. Swahili Forum IX (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 72). Köln: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Köln.
Aiello Traoré, Flavia. 2003. ‘Taarab’ aujourd’hui: La chanson moderne à Zanzibar, Études Littéraires Africaines 16:29-32. (Littérature swahili, eds Xavier Garnier & Alain Ricard)
Akilimali Snow-White. 1965. In memoriam Sh. K.A. Amri Abedi (1924-1964), Swahili 35.1: 4-18.
Akinola, G. Akin. 1968. The Mazrui of Mombasa, Tarikh 2.3: 26-40.
Allen, J. W. T. 1945. Arabic Script for Students of Swahili. Published for the Editorial Committee: Tanganyika Notes and Records, November 1945.
_____. 1967. Swahili prosody. Swahili: Journal of the Institute of Swahili Research 37.2:171-179.
_____. 1968. Utenzi wa Hiawatha, Swahili 38.1:39-41.
_____. 1970. The Swahili and Arabic manuscripts and tapes in the library of the University College Dar-es-Salaam; a catalogue. Leiden, Brill.
_____. 1968. The Collection and Preservation of Manuscripts of the Swahili World, Swahili38.2:109-117.
_____. 1971. Tendi; six examples of a Swahili classical verse form with translations & notes by J. W. T. Allen. Nairobi, London: Heinemann.
_____. 1972. Review: J. Knappert, Swahili Islamic Poetry, Leiden 1971, Journal of African Languages 11.1: 95-98.
_____. 1975. Review: L. Harries, Utenzi wa Mkunumbi, 1967, in Kiswahili 45.1: 55-56. .
_____, ed. 1981. The Customs of the Swahili People. The Desturi za Wasawahili of Mtoro bin Mwinyi Bakari and Other Swahili Persons. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Allen, James de Vere. 1977. Al-Inkishafi: The Soul’s Awakening. Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau.
_____. 1980. Review: Said Bakari, The Swahili Chronicle of Ngazija, ed. L. Harries, Bloomington 1977; Research in African Literatures 11.1:137-142.
_____. 1991. Utendi wa kutawafu Nabii: a traditional Swahili epic, with transliteration, translation, and notes on the reading of Swahili manuscripts in Arabic script for advanced students. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press.
Allen, Ronald, tr. 1961. Utenzi wa Abdirrahmani na Sufiyani. The history of Abdurrahman and Sufian, by Hemed Abdallah Saidi Abdallah Masudi el Buhry el Hinawy. With translation by Roland Allen and notes by J. W. T. Allen. Dar es Salaam: East African Literature Bureau.
Ashton, E. O. 1944. Swahili Grammar, Including Intonation. London: Longmans.
Askew, Kelly. 2002. Performing the Nation: Swahili Music and Cultural Politics in Tanzania. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Benson, T. 1969. Review: Charles W. Rechenbach: Swahili-English Dictionary. 641 pp. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1967. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 32.1:209-211.
Berg, F. 1968. The Swahili Community of Mombasa, 1500–1900. The Journal of African History 9.1:35-56.
Bertoncini(-Zúbková), E. 1989. Outline of Swahili Literature. Leiden.
_____. 1994. Swahili verbs in modern fiction. Paper presented at the 1st World Conference of African Linguistics. 18-22 July 1994, University of Swaziland, Kwaluseni.
_____. 1996. Marx’s Shorts and Ancestor’s Caves: Tracing Critical Motifs in Kezilahabi’s Play and Poems. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (AAP) 47:139–48.
_____. 1998. Code-Switching in an ‘Utendi’? Notes on Arabic Grammar As It Appears in Classical Swahili Poetry, Swahili Forum V, pp. 27-40. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 55)
_____. 1999. Kenyan Literary Kiswahili. Swahili Forum VI. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 60)
_____. 2000. Panorama de la littérature swahili. In Ursula Baumgardt & Abdellah Bounfour, eds.,Panorama des littératures africaines. État des lieux et perspectives. (Coll. Bibliothèque des Études Africaines). Paris: Harmattan. Pp. 135-155
_____. 2000. Beyond the utenzi: Narrative Poems by Theobald Mvungi. Swahili Forum VII, pp. 127-143. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 64.
Bertoncini, Elena and Mikhail D. Gromov, Said A. M. Khamis and Kyallo Wadi Wamitila. 2009. Outline of Swahili Literature. Prose Fiction and Drama. (Second edition, extensively revised and enlarged.). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009.
Berwouts, K. 1991. Le sein de la mere : introduction a la litterature classique et moderne en swahili. Bruxelles: Centre d’etude et de documentation afraicaines.
Bhalo, Ahmad Nasssir bin Juma Bhalo. 1971. Malenga wa Mvita: diwani ya Ustadh Bhalo, tungo za Ahmad Nassir. Zimehaririwa na Shihabuddin Chiraghdin.Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
Biersteker, Ann. 1990. The Significance of the Swahili Literary Tradition to Interpretation of Early Twentieth Century Political Poetry. African Humanities Discussion Paper 6. Boston: Boston University African Studies Center.
_____. 1991a. Language, poetry and power, a reconsideration of “Utendi wa Mwana Kupona.” In Kenneth W. Harrow, ed. Faces of Islam in African Literature, pp. 59-77. London: Heinemann.
_____. 1996. Kujibizana: Questions of Language and Power in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Political Poetry. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
Biersteker, Ann and Mark Plane. 1989. Swahili manuscripts and the study of Swahili literature.Research in African Literature 20.3:449-472.
Biersteker, Ann and Ibrahim Noor Shariff. 1995. Mashairi ya Vita vya Kuduhu: War Poetry in Kiswahili Exchanged at the Time of the Battle of Kuduhu. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press.
Biersteker, Ann and Alena Rettová. 2012. Swahili literature and language. Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Binns, H. K. 1925. Swahili-English dictionary : being Dr. Krapf’s original Swahili-English dictionary revised and re-arranged by the Rev. Canon Binns. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [Reprinted 2006, Zanzibar: Gallery Publications].
Blok, H. 1948. A Swahili Anthology with Notes and Glossaries. Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff.
Bosha, I. 1993. Influence of Arabic Language on Kiswahili with a Trilingual Dictionary (Swahili-Arabic-English). Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press.
Brain, James Lewton. 1969. Kamusi ya maneno ya utaalamu wa mambo ya kibinadamu; a short dictionary of social science terms for Swahili speakers. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University, Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
Brown, Nicholas Maney. 1995. An Overview of the Classical Swahili Poetry of Pate Island,SAPINA Bulletin (Society for African Philosophy in North America) 8.1/2:43-50.
Brown, Nicholas Maney. 1997. ‘Umbuji wa Mnazi’ and the Poetics of Anthropology, SAPINA Bulletin (Society for African Philosophy in North America) 10.2:177-229 (Special Issue An African Practice of Philosophy, edited by N. M. Brown, V. Y. Mudimbe & Laura Kerr, Stanford University).
Bryan, M. 1942. Review: Diwani ya Muyaka Bin Haji al-Ghassaniy. Swahili Poems of Muyaka. Edited by W. Hichens. (The Bantu Treasury, IV.) pp. 115. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 10.4: 1055-1056.
el-Buhriy, Hemedi bin Abdallah. 1965. Utenzi wa Seyyidna Huseni bin Ali. The history of Prince Hussein son of Ali, umetungwa na Hemed Abdallah. With translation and notes by J. W. T. Allen. Dar es Salaam: East African Literature Bureau.
el-Buhriy, Hemedi bin Abdallah. Utenzi wa vita vya Wadachi kutamalaki Mrima, 1307 A.H. The German conquest of the Swahili coast, 1891 A.D., by Hemedi bin Abdallah bin Said bin Abdallah bin Masudi el Buhriy. With translation and notes by J.W.T. Allen. [2nd ed.]. Dar es Salaam: East African Literature Bureau, 1960.
Büttner, Carl Gotthilf. 1887/88. Chuo cha utenzi. Gedichte im alten Suahili. Aus den Papieren des †Dr. L. Krapf, Zeitschrift für afrikanische Sprachen 1:1-42, 124-137.
_____. 1892. Suaheli-Schriftstücke in arabischer Schrift. Mit lateinischer Schrift umschrieben, übersetzt und erklärt von Dr. C. G. Büttner. (Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Bd. 10). Stuttgart, Berlin: W. Spemann.
_____. 1893. Bilder aus dem Geistesleben der Suaheli in Ostafrika, ihrer epischen und lyrischen Dichtung entnommen, Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 20.2/3:147-160.
_____. 1894. Anthologie aus der Suaheli-Litteratur. (Gedichte und Geschichten der Suaheli). 1. Theil: Texte. 2. Theil: Übersetzung. Gesammelt und übersetzt von Dr. C. G. Büttner. Berlin: Emil Felber.
Büttner, Carl G. & Carl Meinhof. 1912. Chuo cha Herkal – Das Buch von Herkal, transkribiert und übersetzt von Dr. C. G. Büttner, herausgegeben von C. Meinhof, Zeitschrift für Kolonial- Sprachen2, (1): 1-36; (2): 108-136; (3): 194-232; (4): 261-296.
_____. 1970. Anthologie aus der Suaheli-litteratur (Gedichte und Geschichten der Suaheli) gesammelt und ubersetzt. Nendeln Kraus Reprint.
Campbell, Carol. 1974. ‘Sauti za Amu: An exploratory study of Swahili music’. M. A. Thesis, University of Washington.
_____. 1983. Nyimbo za kiswahili: a socio-ethnomusicological study of a Swahili poetic form. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Washington. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.
Campbell, Carol A. & Carol M. Eastman. 1984. Ngoma: Swahili Adult Song Performance in Context, Ethnomusicology 28.2: 467-493.
Caplan, Pat and Farouk Topaz. 2004. Swahili Modernities, Culture, Politics, and Identity on the East African Coast. Trenton, NJ: African World Press.
Chacha, Chacha Nyaigotti. 1987. The Theme of Protest in Swahili Poetry. BaShiru: A Journal of African Languages and Literature 13.1:50-60.
_____. 1989. Meaning and Interpretation of Swahili Poetry: A Portrayal of a Changing Society. Dissertation Abstracts International 50:1303A-1311A.
Chiraghdin, Shihabuddin. ed. 1971. Malenga wa Mvita: diwani ya Ustadh Bhalo, tungo za Ahmad Nassir. Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
_____. ed. 1973. Tungo za Kiberamni. Nairobi: Longman.
_____. ed. c1977. Malenga wa Mrima: Abjadi ya Mwinyihatibu: tungo za Mwinyihatibu Mohamed. Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press, reprinted 1983.
_____. 1987 (A. S. Nabhany ed.). Malenga ya Karne Moja. Nairobi: Longman Kenya.
Chiraghdin, Shihabuddin, Ahmad S. Nabhany & Abdalla Baruwa. 1975. Tarehe ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili, Mulika 7:59-67.
Chum, Haji. 1974. Utenzi wa Nushur. Kampala: East African Literature Bureau.
Chittick, Neville. 1978. Review: Said Bakari, The Swahili Chronicle of Ngazija, ed. L. Harries, 1977; International Journal of African Historical Studies 11.4:736-738.
Dammann, Ernst. 1939. Eine Suaheli-Dichtung mit alphabetischer Akrostichis, Mitteilungen der Auslandshochschule an der Universität Berlin 42.3:158-169.
_____. 1939/40. Eine Sprachprobe aus der Siu-Mundart des Suaheli, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 30:72-77.
_____. 1939/40. Ein Suahelivers mit Gallawörtern, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 30:233-234.
_____. 1940. Dichtungen in der Lamu-mundart des Suaheli, gesammelt, herausgegben und ubersetzt. Hamburg, Friederichsen, de Gruyter & Co.
_____. 1940/41. Suaheli-Lieder aus Lamu, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 31:161-188, 278-287.
_____. 1941/42. Ein Fluchgedicht auf die Somali in der Siu-Mundart des Suaheli, Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 32:286-300.
_____. 1942. Suaheli-Dichtungen des Scheichs Muhammed bin Abubekr bin Omar Kidjumwa Masihii aus Lamu, gesammelt und bearbeitet von Ernst Dammann, AfrikaStudien zur Auslandskunde 1.2:125-196.
_____. 1942. Die Quellen der Suaheli-Dichtung, Der Islam 26:250-268.
_____. 1954. Philosophische Spielereien der Suaheli in dichterischer Form, Afrika und Übersee38.3:135-136.
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_____. 1955. Sprichwörter aus Lamu. In Johannes Lukas (Hrsg.), Afrikanistische Studien, pp. 174-180. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
_____. 1957. Richter und Räuber. Eine Dichtung in der Lamu-Mundart des Suaheli, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung 5:432-489.
_____. 1957. Die von der Ahmadiyya herausgegebene Übersetzung des Korans in das Swahili,Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 106:135-144.
_____. 1958. Die Überlieferung der islamischen Suahelidichtung, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 108:41-53.
_____. 1959. Rezension: J. Knappert, Het epos van Heraklios, Leiden 1958; Afrika und Übersee43: 72-73.
_____. 1969. Muhammed bin Abubekr bin Omar Kidjumwa Masihii, Afrika und Übersee 52:314-321.
_____. 1974. Rezension: J. W. T. Allen, The Swahili and Arabic Manuscripts and Tapes in the Library of the University College Dar-es-Salaam. A Catalogue, Leiden 1970; Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 69.3/4:213-214.
_____. 1977. ‘Die Suaheli-Literatur’. In Walter Leifer (Hrsg.), Kenia. Geographie, Vorgeschichte, Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Erziehung, Gesundheitswesen, Wirtschaft, Entwicklung, pp. 272-293. Tübingen, Basel: Horst Erdmann.
_____. 1980. Muhamadi bin Abu Bekr bin Omar Kidjumwa Masihii: A Swahili Poet between Old and Modern Times. In Ulla Schild (ed.), The East African Experience. Essays on English and Swahili Literature. 2nd Janheinz Jahn-Symposium. (Mainzer Afrika-Studien, Vol. 4). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
_____. 1980. Eine paränetische Akrostichis im Suaheli des Scheichs Muhammad bin Abubekr bin Omar Kidjumwa Masihii, Afrika und Übersee 63:131-145.
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_____. 1991. Noch einmal ‘phahubiri’ in der alten Swahili-Dichtung, Afrika und Übersee 74:111-113.
_____. 1992. Baraloni als Name für Lamu, Afrika und Übersee 75:133-136.
_____. 1993. Afrikanische Handschriften. Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag.
De Voogt, Alex J. 2003. Muyaka’s poetry in the history of Bao. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 66.1:61-65.
Diegner, Lutz. 2002. Allegories in Euphrase Kezilahabi’s Early Novels. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 72, Swahili Forum 9:43–74.
Donnelly, Kevin & Yahya Omar. 1982. Structure and Association in Bajuni Fishing Songs. In Veronika Görög-Karady, ed., Genres, Forms, Meanings: Essays in African Oral Literature. Paris: Maison des Sciences Humaines; Oxford: Anthropological Society of Oxford. Pp. 109-122.
Dumila, Faraji, ed. 1980. Diwani ya Philosophia ya Nyayo. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
Eastman, Carol M. 1986. Expressing a Swahili Sense of Humor: Siu Jokes, Research in African Literatures 17:474-495.
_____. 1996. Swahili Poetry. In T. V. F. Brogan, ed., The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries, pp. 330-332. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Eastman, Carol M. & Farouk M. Topan. 1966. The Siu: Notes on the People and Their Language, Swahili 36.2:22-48.
Fair, Laura. 1998. Music, Memory and Meaning: The Kiswahili Recordings of Siti binti Saad.Swahili Forum V. Pp. 1-16 (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 55).
Fargion, Janet Topp. 1995. Nyota Alfajiri – The Zanzibari ‘Chakacha’’. Swahili Forum II:125-131. (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 42).
_____. 1997. A Zanzibar, le taarab des gens sans nom. Autrepart 1:59-70. (have pdf)
_____. 2013. Taarab Music in Zanzibar in the Twentieth Century: A Story of “Old Is Gold” and Flying Spirits. London: Ashgate.
Feidel, Jan and Ibrahim Noor Shariff, trans. Searching for my Brother, Poems from the Kiswahili. New York: Mushinsha Ltd.
Feidel, Jan and Ibrahim Noor Shariff. 1986. Kibabina’s ‘Message about Zanzibar’: The Art of Swahili Poetry, Research in African Literatures 17.4:464-524. (Contains the poem Risala wa Zinjibari).
Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. 1958. Swahili literature and the history and archaeology of the East African coast. Journal of the East African Swahili Committee 28:7-25.
Frankl, P. J. L. and Yahya Ali Omar. 1991. Mombasa under the BuSa’idi: A Leaf from the Taylor Papers. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 141.1:131-138.
_____. 1993. P’aka Dezi: Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat: Being a Study of One Item from the Hinawy Collection Source. Afrika und Ubersee: Sprachen-Kulturen 76.2:273-287.
_____. 1994. Shairi la washona-nguo wa Mambasa. ‘The Tailors of Mombasa’, A Nineteenth Century Satire from Central Swahili-Land. Swahili Forum I. Pp. 29-46 (Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, No. 37).
Füssy Nagy, Géza. 1984. The Ethnic Situation in East Africa and the Folklore Figure of Liongo Fumo. In Szílard Biernaczky, ed. Folklore in Africa Today Vol. II, pp. 499-504. Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University.
_____. 1989. The Rise of Swahili Literature and the Œuvre of Shaaban bin Robert, Neo Helicon 16.2:39-58.
Gaudioso, Roberto. 2015. Transferring and Rewriting Freedom in Euphrase Kezilahabi. Nordic Journal of African Studies 23.2:63–89. (Available online at Academic.edu; includes the text and translation of some of Kezilahabi’s poems.)
Gearhart, Rebecca. 1998. Ngoma Memories: A History of Competitive Music and Dance Performance on the Kenya Coast. A dissertation presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in partial fulfillment of the the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (Available online at Academic.edu and at http://works.bepress.com/rebecca_gearhart/4/
_____. 2005. Ngoma Memories: How Ritual Music and Dance Shaped the Northern Kenya. Illinois Wesleyan University. (Available online at Academic.edu and at http://works.bepress.com/rebecca_gearhart/3/
Geider, Thomas. 1988. Die Dokumentarliteratur Ahmed Sheikh Nabhanys zum Schiffbau in Lamu (Swahili-Küste) als Innovation im utenzi-Genre. In Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig, Herrmann Jungraithmayr & Josef Franz Thiel, eds. Die Oralliteratur in Afrika als Quelle zur Erforschung der traditionellen Kulturen – La littérature orale en Afrique comme source pour la découverte des cultures traditionnelles, pp. 179-201. Xxx Place & publisher
____. 1992. Early Swahili Travelogues. In Werner Graebner, ed. Sokomoko. Popular Culture in East Africa. (Matatu, No. 9), pp. 27-65. Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
____. 1992. Remarks on Three Ogre Tales as Narrated by Binti Amira Msellem Said from Mombasa, Swahili Language and Society: Notes and News 9:49-59.
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